February 2021 Theme: Unscatter

So, where have we been (scattered around) since October?

kitwit studio - kreativery
4 min readFeb 3, 2021

In short: kitwitting offline / off Social Media as much as possible. But very much kitwitting!

Here’s what’s been going on.

— Just when we launched the #lowkeycreativity library on Instagram in October, we also watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix. It’s a good watch and everyone should take away from it what works for them. But in any case, Natalia took a huge step away from Social Media for her wellbeing, and Dani became less sure about posting more #lowkeycreativity tips, as a number of them encouraged Social Media use and we were no longer sure that we were promoting a healthy thing.


#lowkeycreativity is still alive as a concept, we just need to rework some of the entries. Which we haven’t gotten round to BECAUSE:

— We taught classes! Finally! Yay! Adventures in Drawing and Writing launched in late October, and kept us full-on busy for the next 8 weeks. Check our website for an upcoming showcase on how great it was, what participants said and what we got up to.

These collaborative Comics came out of the Adventures in Drawing workshop series ❤

And get ready for the second round of Adventures in Writing starting 23 February, while Adventures in Drawing is still taking stock of that experience of teaching drawing in an online world.

— In November, Dani finally made it back to beloved Scotland, and the kitwits saw each other face to face again for the first time in 8 months.

Dani and Natalia from kitwit studio on the Meadows in Edinburgh, in 3D
Whaaaaaaat! We are real, 3D, and in the same place!

3D faces are exhilarating, I tell you. Dani was also back in the physical studio in all its glory. But ultimately, it’s all not much without teaching people in person.

— Also in November, before travelling, Dani finished training with writers’studio and is now a fully qualified maker of writing-centered workshops, and a writing coach, in German and English. German speakers are invited to check out the growing schreibmitdani online space with Dani’s offerings. Workshops already out of testing phase and available to book can be found there — among them journalling, finding a product name, gendered language in German, and the signature Adventures in Writing for exploring all manners of genres and activities you can take your pen and paper on.

Schau auf einen Sprung vorbei!

— In December, apart from wrapping up the Adventures series, there was Christmas — which we gloriously were able to spend together in line with local Covid rules, in a 3 countries 4 cultures food and games extravaganza.

— In January, we had some wonderful chats taking stock of the crazy year behind us, and assessing how to realign for 2021. With limits to our enjoyment of online teaching and Social Media activity, there’s still plenty of fun to be had. Watch out for Round 2 of Adventures in Writing in February, and join us for open kreative labs beginning March — with space for writing, drawing, and all sorts of crafty chats and activities we manage to come up with.

— And so here we are, in February. Our theme is “unscatter”, taking our multitude of experiences in our worlds of kreativity, as well as our various bits and bobs that we have been creating here and there, and reshaping them into what brings us — and you — joy. Until we can meet in person again, which remains our favourite way to create together.

You’ll be very welcome to unscatter with us. See you soon 🧡🦊

Our Theme for February 2021: Unscatter (art by nzon)

